Serious anglers know how important it is to have all their fishing gear organized and easily accessible. That holds true on the water and also in your vehicle. Many times your truck not only is getting you to and from the water but it is your gear storage, your toolbox, and your workspace. The ultimate fishing truck has to be able to meet all these demands and then some.
Anglers can argue on what is the best pickup truck on the market and honestly, it doesn’t matter what rig you are driving when it comes to your fishing truck setup. But if you are talking about making it into the ultimate fishing truck then you need these six additions.
Ultimate Fishing Rod Holder
One of the top fishing truck accessories, if not the top, is a fishing rod holder. Why? Because it is the only thing on your truck that is going to keep your expensive fishing rods safe and secure.
There are too many ways your expensive fishing rods can be busted, broke or damaged laying in the bottom of your pickup bed. To keep them safe, the PortaRod™ fishing rod holder is a necessity in the ultimate fishing truck. If you are like many anglers’ hole hopping throughout the day or loaded up for a full day on the lake, your truck bed is going to be packed with gear. All that gear can slide around over your rods or you can inadvertently toss something in the bed and break a rod. The last thing you want is to be surprised when you reach the water with several broken rod tips and nothing left to fish with.
The PortaRod™ fishing rod holder installs with no drilling, fits every truck bed and keeps all those expensive rods safe from damage during transport. In addition, you want your fishing rods secure in your fishing truck setup. The PortaRod™ system is the best way to protect your valuable rods from theft. Their lock system integrates directly with the rod holder to keep you worry free when stopping for lunch or leaving rods in your truck while you are down on the bank fishing.

LED Cargo Bed Lights
Your truck is your office as a serious angler and as such you need to be able to work in it in all conditions. Fishing truck accessories such as LED cargo bed lighting is critical in order to be able to rig tackle or load fishing gear as you come on or off the water in low light conditions. Choose LED lights that install under the bed rails. This style will light up the entire truck bed with more useable light. Another tip with adding lighting to your truck bed is to choose red LED lights. Bugs are not attracted to red as they are with white lights. Most lighting kits are easy enough to install yourself and are a key piece to your ultimate fishing truck.
Truck Bed Storage and Organization
There has probably never been a truck bed made big enough to hold everything you need to take with you fishing. You have coolers, tackle, and tons of other gear all needing to be stored in your truck. A fishing truck setup is not complete without a built-in truck storage box. Often, however, truck boxes eat up too much real estate in your truck bed. The UnderCover swing case toolbox solves this problem. It installs between the tailgate and the wheel well in that unusable space where nothing else seems to fit. Put one on each side and store tackle trays, baits, fishing line, extra reels and rain gear in them. The swing designs let you easily access all your gear while the lockable, watertight lid keeps all your fishing gear secure and dry.
As well as a truck box, the ultimate fishing truck has to have a cargo bar. A cargo bar is a telescoping bar that locks into place to keep large items secured to one part of your truck bed. It is designed to organize coolers, plastics totes, or other large items from moving around during travel. A cargo bar is versatile to accommodate large or small items by simply repositioning it in the bed or stowing it all together when it is not needed.
Wet Box
Every fishing truck setup has to have a wet box. A wet box is exactly what it sounds like. It is a box designed to hold wet items such as waders, boots, or raingear. Even a bass fishing truck where you have no need for waders should have a wet box. It gives you a place to toss your soaking wet rain gear (instead of your truck floor) after a day on the lake. For the fly fishing truck rig, it is crucial. The wet box is a place to store your wet waders and boots after leaving the water until you get home and can hang them to dry properly. All a wet box takes is a plastic tote big enough to hold your waders and raingear with a few holes drilled in the bottom to let water drain and a few holes in all four sides to let air in to help dry things out.
Interior Behind the Seat Organizer
One problem anglers constantly face inside their trucks is being able to find gear. Day after day coming off the water fills the inside of your truck with pliers, scissors, sunglasses, gloves, buffs, tackle and anything else that may have found its way into your pockets. An interior behind the seat organizer is one of the fishing truck accessories that keeps the inside of your truck fish ready. This inexpensive organization solution gives you a place to unload your pockets at the end of each day and keep important fishing gear right behind your seat and ready to for the next day’s adventure.
To summarize, these six additions go a long way in turning your truck into the ultimate fishing truck.
- PortaRod™ Fishing Rod Holder
- LED Cargo Bed Lights
- Truck Box Storage System
- Cargo Bar
- Wet Box
- Interior Behind the Seat Organizer
No matter what truck you are driving, add these fishing truck accessories to turn it into the ultimate fishing truck setup.